Website Directory

If you have a website, Google will examine your site in many ways and see if it is suitable for users.
The PageRank algorithm is one of them.

In today’s article, we’re going to talk about what the PageRank algorithm is and how it works.

What is a PageRank?

Google will examine the features that your site has and value your site. That’s what we call the PageRank value.

Thanks to Google’s PageRank algorithm, websites are rated 0-10. When given this value, Google browsers examine your site’s in- and out-of-site activity.

This value considers many factors such as the original articles your site has, mobile compatibility, and natural backlinks.

PageRank is an algorithm developed for search results.

PageRank values are values only known by Google. The PageRank values that websites have are not specified.

Despite this, it is possible to learn the value of PageRank thanks to some SEO analytics tools.
The PageRank algorithm focuses on many criteria that are or are not present on your site, while it gives a value about your site. If you want to increase the PageRank value of your website, you can follow the following steps:

• The number and quality of pages that contain external links
• The amount of links that go from one page to another
• Number of pages the links generate

How to Increase PageRank Value?

To increase your site’s PageRank value, you should do the following: • Get links from sites with high PageRank scores.

• Produce original content.
• Conduct user-focused work.

Since these steps are also applied in SEO studies, you do not need to do an extra study on your site to increase your PageRank score.

Therefore, if you have not done a quality SEO study on your website, you can take advantage of WeaSocial’s expertise. All you must do is contact WeaSocial.

How does the PageRank algorithm work?

There’s a close relationship between the PageRank algorithm and the backlink, so you can understand the criteria used to calculate the PageRank score and the steps you need to take to increase the value of your PageRank.

This is why you need to get backlinks from sites that Google has given a high PageRank score to increase the value of your website’s pages.

The working formula of the PageRank algorithm is: PR (A) = (1-D) + D (PR (T1) / C (T1 ) +…… + PR (Tn ) /C ( Tn ) ) If we are to describe this formula simply, let’s assume that we have a site of 4 pages. The pages are in order A, B, C and D.

According to the PageRank algorithm, a page does not have any links to it. Many links that go again from one page to another are considered a single link.

In the original form of the PageRank algorithm, the sum of the PageRank scores of all pages is the total number of pages on the website at that time. Accordingly, if we go back to the example, the starting value of each page of our website is assumed to be 1.

In later versions of the PageRank algorithm, however, the score was considered a 0-1 probability. Therefore, the starting value of each page on our site is 0.25.

In subsequent iterations, the PageRank score transferred from a particular page to the target of its own going links is divided equally among all going links.

Although the value of the PageRank was very valuable until 2014, the value for Google has declined due to the influence of the link market in the digital world and the techniques their websites have found to mislead the algorithm.

Therefore, the last update to the PageRank algorithm was in 2014, and John Mueller said, “There will be no more PageRank algorithm updates. “He stressed that the PageRank period has disappeared.

Google no longer ranks websites by PageRank value. Google now evaluates websites by looking at whether they are user focused.


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