Website Directory

Website speed is one of the most important elements of your website. If you want to make your site better, one of the things you need to do is improve your site speed.

According to Google, site speed is entirely related to user experience. So one of the SEO practices is to speed up the site.

When the site is slow, both users don’t want to enter your site and are negatively affected by your site’s ranking.

The importance of site speed is the same for all types of sites. Because both customers and users want to get the product or information they want to reach quickly. If your customers and users are not satisfied with your site, no matter how much SEO you do, your ranking will be low.

For these reasons, the process of increasing site speed and site speed is important in SEO studies. This will also increase your site’s traffic.

User Experience

When we look at ourselves, we can understand how important the speed of the site is. When you search the search engine, when you click on one of the results, and the site hasn’t been open for a long time, you go back and look at another site.

Or, when a site that we’re going to have to go into is very slow, we don’t have to react, “What kind of site is this!”

These two examples show how important site speed is to the user experience. If the site speed is low, this will increase the Bounce Rate. This is an indication that users who enter your site leave your site without any activity.

User experience is especially important for e-commerce sites. The more time customers spend on e-commerce sites, the more efficient it is for the site. Slow site speeds on such sites can lead to many disadvantages, such as customer loss.

Sort Factor

The impact of site speed on SEO is the second-ranking factor. In a blog that Google published in 2010, it stated how important site speed is for SEO and that it takes site speed into account when ranking search results.

Why Is Site Speed Low?

If site speed is so important, you need to know what affects the speed of a website. There’s one thing you need to do before you know all these things. First of all, you need to do a site speed test so you know how and how much to improve your site.


Unless you optimize the images, you use on your site, these images will negatively affect your site speed. Smaller images are more advantageous in terms of the speed of your site.

Design of your website

Website design is also one of the factors that influence site speed. You can make your site faster and more efficient with simpler and more out-of-the-box website designs. You can also enhance your site speed and user efficiency by making your website mobile-friendly.


The complex encoding structure will negatively affect your site speed. So you can improve your site speed with simple encoding, avoiding unnecessary code use.

The hosting service you choose for the needs of your host site is also important for the speed of your site. Content distribution needs to be well done so that the speed of your site is not affected negatively as the number of users arriving on your site increases. That’s why it’s important to work with a good hosting service.

Social Media Buttons

The social media buttons on your site are also important for your site’s speed. Because social media buttons can load third-party resources that don’t have site content from outside, which can negatively affect your site speed.

Is The Speed of All Pages on The Site The Same?

The opening speed of every page on a website may not be the same. So when you measure site speed, you should analyze every page, not just the homepage.

To do this, you can follow the following path:

• Find landing pages through Analytics.
• Identify the most visited pages on your site.
• If the average time is short and there is no problem, then the speed of those pages is low.

How Do I Measure Site Speed?

We pointed out how important site speed is for SEO work, so it’s a measurement of site speed.

If you want to attract visitors to your site through Google, you first need to use Google services to measure site speed. Or you can use paid or free tools to measure your site speed.

Tools to Measure Site Speed and Improve Site Speed

There are many paid free tools that measure site speed and play a role in improving site speed. Some of the tools are listed below. You can use these tools to make your site work with better performance.

• Google Lighthouse
• Google Analytics Site Speed Data
• Page Speed Insights
• Pingdom Website Speed Test


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