Social Media

Social media is one of the terms that comes into our lives with the rapid development of the digital world. Social media, has many benefits in reaching more people, thus creating brand awareness.

We explained why personal brand owners use social media so much in our article entitled “Basic For Social Media Basics”.

If social media has many benefits, how should we manage social media to take advantage of them? We’ll answer them in this article.

What is Social Media Management?

Social media management is all about creating content that matches your target audience, publishing it, analyzing it, understanding how your content is received by the target audience and how you can generate content in the future based on these responses.

In short, social media management is interacting with social media users.
Effective social media management offers you:

Cost: Social media is a cost-effective tool. It is free to open pages on social media and create content on these pages. Even if you think about advertising on social media, it’s more profitable than other advertising tools.

Accessibility: With your social media accounts, you get into a world of endless speculation. No matter where you live, you’ll have to press a single button to reach people miles away. This allows you to expand your target audience.

Target Audience: Use social media to better understand what your target audience wants. Because you can communicate with them one by one. This can also increase your customer satisfaction.

Performance: Social media will also enhance your business performance. Because you both reach a wider audience and you can find customers from the target audience you reach. This will increase your brand awareness and increase the performance of your business because of the credibility you have gained thanks to the content you have produced.

Who is the Social Media Manager?

A social media manager is a person who advises personal brand owners in the areas of social media marketing, social media management and social media advertising.

The social media manager increases your followers, your interaction with your customers. Social media management is more complex than it seems, even if it seems to be a very simple process.

Because social media management doesn’t just end with creating and publishing content. Social media management includes:

Research: The social media manager will research your target audience, your competitors, and your industry before all the work. The better this research is, the more successful social media management will be.

Strategy-building: Everything is planned up to how often content will be shared on your social media account, how it will be produced and what patients will be used to write content into the text.

Content Creation: The social media manager only enters the content creation phase after these two phases have been completed. The social media manager’s job is to create interesting content, taking into account his research and strategy.

Interacting: Social media gives you the opportunity to communicate with your target audience. When new content is shared from your social media account, your target audience can comment on it and say what they feel about the content. Your social media manager also responds to these comments, creating interaction between the two sides.

Analysis: After a content-sharing or advertising campaign is launched, it analyzes how the shared content or campaign interacts with the target audience. It’s important to do the analysis. Based on these analyses, changes and innovations can be made in the planned strategy.

What Should Be Done To Use Social Media Effectively?

There’s hardly anyone today who doesn’t have a social media account. All of the companies with the opportunity use many social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedln and Twitter.
Businesses who want to use social media for business ask how they can do that. Companies should first inventory social media assets.

So what social media platforms do you have a page on, how often do you create and share content on those pages? You should take out a list of all this information.

You should then identify your target audience. Because you’re going to define all your strategies according to your target audience. You can define your target audience according to many characteristics: gender, age, occupation, income, family status, etc.

You should set your goals according to social media platforms. For example, if you want to get a subscriber, YouTube is the right platform for you in this area. However, if you want to increase your sales, then you should use Instagram.

Competitive analysis is also essential for you to be able to use social media effectively. In this way, knowing what your competitors are doing, you can take a step forward by doing more.

Create a social media content plan for your business, taking into account your research so far. By creating a social media plan, you can also know when you’re sharing content with which social media account, so you can manage your accounts more easily.

Is it possible to manage all social media accounts from one place?

There are many paid or free tools for social media management. Some of these are:

• Google Analytics
• Hootsuite
• Buffer
• Hubspot

What can you do if you have multiple social media accounts? Can you manage all these accounts from one place?

You can manage your multiple accounts from one place using one of the tools we sorted above. This will make you gain time in your social media management.


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