E-Commerce, SEO

If you have a website, you know that you should do SEO work on your site. But you can get a better position in the search rankings and the steps you’ll take after that.

The same goes for e-commerce sites. If you want an e-commerce site to attract more traffic and customers, you need to do SEO work.

In this article, we’ll talk about what you need to pay attention to when doing SEO work for e-commerce sites.

Keyword Research

Keywords are the most important element of work in the digital world. Doing keyword analysis also means you can do both search volumes and competition analysis.

To be able to perform effective SEO work for your e-commerce site, you can follow the following steps in keyword analysis:

• Different Keyword List
Customers go through many steps before going to purchase. These can be sorted as research and comparison. The keywords used in these steps are those with the most conversion potential.

You can make your SEO work more effectively by creating a comprehensive keyword list of these keywords.
You should also not ignore the current search behavior of your target audience. First of all, you need to know your target audience.

When you do all of this, you will have keywords to create a keyword list. For example, one of your lists should contain keywords that contain an action. Words like “buy, compare, review” may be on your keyword list with action.

Another type of list consists of the names of all the brands that appear on your e-commerce site. Your third list will consist of product names, categories and basic characteristics of products.

When you host these keywords on your website, the ranking of your site will be even better.

• Mixing Keywords
We talked about the 3 lists above. You can extract your own keywords by mixing the words in these lists. This makes it easier for you to reach out to your prospective customers by knowing what they want in search engines.


Keyword Matrix

If more than one page on your e-commerce site is targeted for the same keyword, the pages on your website will compete. This is called the keyword breakdown problem.

To solve this problem, you need to create a keyword matrix. In this matrix, you need to properly show which page targets which keywords.

And if you’re using a keyword tool, you can get rid of this problem by using this tool’s keyword mapping feature.

If you find out which page of your site is targeting which keywords, you should get rid of pages that are targeting the same keyword. What you’re going to do here is to change the keywords of the pages that target the same keyword.

On-Site Optimization

Creating original headers on product pages, placing H1 labels and writing special descriptions on e-commerce sites are important but time-consuming tasks. But you can save time by using the keyword methods above here as well.

You need to create a header, meta description and H1 templates for the keywords you list and product pages. This allows you to use keywords effectively and optimize your website in a shorter period.

Copy Problem

One of the most important aspects of the copy problem SEO work is the original content. Because search engines either do not place sites with copied content in the search results list or put them in the latest rankings.

The easiest way to avoid this negative situation is to stay away from copying content.

Copy problem is divided into two, in-site and out-of-site:

• Off-site Copy Problem
For e-commerce sites, it is normal to have off-site copying problems. Because usually the products offered to the customer are the same. Therefore, the product descriptions, such as the product name,
will be the same. This also causes the off-site copy problem. To minimize this, please note:

1. You can write original content for each product.
2. You can create content that considers the comments and reviews that users have made for the products they have purchased.
3. You can create a question-answer tab for each product.
4. You can improve the product categories pages.

• In-site Copy Problem
There are two reasons for the occurrence of an in-site copy problem. One of these is the association of a product with more than one category. For example, if you associate a TV product with both the household appliances and the TV category, two separate site addresses will appear for the product.

The second reason is the creation of separate pages for different variations of the same product. If the product is in white or black, the creation of separate product pages leads to copying content.
You can solve these disadvantages as follows:

1. You can make product variations displayed on a single page.
2. You can apply for canonization.

Non-Stock Items

It is normal for products on an e-commerce site to be out of stock from time to time. But your customers won’t like that. Because they entered your site thinking you had that product, and they’ll leave your site quickly when they find out it’s not in stock.

To solve this situation, you first need to determine whether your products are temporarily unavailable or out of sale.

If the product is not temporarily available, you can do the following to make the product page user-friendly:

• Specify when the products will be delivered.
• Notify visitors when products are delivered.
• Enable visitors to pre-order.
• Create a list of similar products.
• Create a 404 page to remove the product page from the search engine directory.
• Redirect the user to a list of products like 301 redirects.


Paging The paging method is a method used to divide content into more than one page. When you do this on an e-commerce site, you can create overlapping content. If you have a page bar on your site and they belong to visitable pages, it’s okay.

However, if there are too many numbers in the page bar and these numbers do not refer to another page, you may have trouble scanning the search engine.

You can solve these problems as follows:

• You can add the Show All option.
• You can switch between pages using the rel=”next” and rel=“prev” tags.

Site Speed

We explained how important site speed is for a website in our article entitled “The Effect of Site Speed on SEO”. And for e-commerce sites, speed is twice as important. Because customers won’t wait long for the site or product pages to open. That’s why a slow site loses customers.

You can do the following to improve site speed:

• You can cancel unnecessary redirects.
• You can improve product visuals.
• You can take advantage of the Pre-linking method.
• You can create content to be uploaded as it appears.

Mobile Compatibility

We explained in our article “With The Development of Mobile Compatibility “ that when designing a website, the design should be mobile-compatible. Mobile-compatible designs are important. Because 60% of your customers shop through mobile devices.

If you do not provide a mobile-compatible design, your customers will not be happy with your site and will not shop. This will make your search results even worse.

All these aspects should be considered when doing SEO work on e-commerce sites. Unfortunately, unattended SEO work will not be very efficient.

If you want to work in the field of e-commerce and want to build your own e-business site, you can contact WeaSocial SEO Agency to take advantage of our team of experienced experts.


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