The Most Powerful Digital Marketing Tools of 2023


As the digital world evolves and digital brands grow, digital marketing is becoming indispensable. Businesses have begun to use digital marketing strategies to increase brand awareness, expand customer base, and, of course, increase sales. It emphasizes the tools to be used in implementing these strategies. That’s why we talked about the tools used in digital […]

What is a Marketing Funnel?


One of the greatest goals of everyone engaged in e-commerce is to get loyal customers who can offer their products or services. But achieving this goal is unfortunately difficult in an increasingly competitive e-commerce world. To reduce this difficulty, marketing strategies have been developed. Marketing is also the first step in creating an effective marketing […]

E-commerce Conversion Rate Optimization


In order to be successful in e-commerce, many elements need to yield good results. One of them is the conversion rate. The conversion rate is the percentage of requested actions performed by users visiting a website. These actions are very varied. Transactions such as purchasing, registering, subscribing or filling out forms are considered requested actions. […]

Most Common Mistakes On E-Commerce Sites


Nowadays, e-commerce allows us to meet almost every need without going to physical stores. For this reason, e-commerce has become a major part of the economy. Those who are part of this big economy and are engaged in e-commerce are taking many steps to get one step ahead of their competitors. Other than that, e-commerce […]

How To Increase Your E-Commerce Site’s Success?


To be successful in e-commerce, it is not enough to have a website and quality products. Many more steps have to be taken in order for an e-commerce site to be successful. First of all, your e-commerce site must be e-commercial. We explained what an e-commerce site should be like in our article “What should […]

What Should an E-Commerce Site Be Like?

E-Commerce, Web Design

One of the most important issues when starting an e-commerce business is creating a site where products or services will be placed. Through these e-commerce sites, brands reach their customers. The e-commerce site should be set up in a customer-oriented and professional way that minimizes the potential of the business to make sales. It also […]

How to Start E-Commerce?


Most of us get all our needs, including our market shopping, from e-commerce sites and e-businesses. We’re so used to it that sometimes we even take our meals out of our house. In this case, it makes sense to do e-commerce. Because whether we’re consumers or sellers, e-commerce is in every area of our lives. […]